Caramel Wrapping – Candy and Snack Wrapping

ISSUE: Growing caramel company is doing caramel wrapping by hand. The owner is spending too much time on the wrapping and is not able to focus on adding customers or developing new flavors. Wrapping is a high skill job because the wrap needs to reflect the high quality of the caramel inside.

Customer Requirements: Move from hand wrapping caramels so the business can  increase volume of wrapped product while maintaining attractive appearance.

Challenges: Inconsistency in cutting can make product too small or too large to automate the wrap on wrapping machine.

Outcome: Purchasing a TTDF table top die fold wrapper.  A high skill job (wrapping) now become low skill with 4-9 times the throughput and increased ability to devote time to new product development.

To see a video of the machine, look here.


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