Meeting Expectations for Your Overwrapper

The best outcomes occur when you know what to expect and get it. Although you may not buy overwrappers every day, there are things that you and Package Machinery can do to assure a successful outcome in your purchase. Being clear about your expectations can only improve your outcome.

The things you are an expert in are your product, your manufacturing facility and your staff.

  • You need to know what level of consistency there is in your product so collectively we know how well it will be wrapped time after time. This is especially important if you are bundling or wrapping baked goods.
  • Thinking about how a new overwrapper fits in the line, beyond simply speed, is important. Your manufacturing facility and the line in which you put an overwrapper may have built in maintenance and down time for changeover.
  • The skill of your staff in maintaining the new overwrapper as well as their desire to make the machine successful are critical to success. That is why we ask for them to come to our facility for some dedicated time to learning the machine during the in-house FAT.

You should expect that we will share our expertise with you, that the overwrapper will pass the FAT at the performance level we collectively agreed to, that we will keep you up to date during the build, that we will support you after your purchase.

Learning is mutual. Both you and your staff and Package staff will work to discover how the product, wrapping material and machine work together. The specifications for the right film for your product on your new servo overwrapper will be an area that we explore together.

Ask us for our detailed expectations guide by emailing

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