Package Machinery Offers New Line of Economical Flow Wrappers


Package Machinery is introducing a new line of wrapping machinery specifically designed for smaller volume food and consumer products companies. The TFW line of flow wrappers provide the economical wrapping that growth companies need to accelerate their market penetration.

With speeds up to 160 per minute, these machines enable companies to accelerate their growth without having to buy more expensive equipment.

The flow wrappers offer options for code dating, gas flush, gusset for tightening the fit and film registration for running with printed film. For more information on the machine specifics and to see a video a TFW flowwrapper in operation, please visit

Like other flow wrappers, the TFW series provide an airtight, barrier seal, and easy changeover between product sizes. Unlike most other flow wrappers, the TFW series are economical machines designed for ease of use and entry level operation.

Package Machinery is committed to providing the most energy and materially efficient wrappers on the market. Fro more information on wrapping efficiency see our whitepapers at


Package Machinery is a manufacturer of wrapping machines for consumer products, including

FA-ST series of custom overwrappers for high speed operations,

· ILW inline overwrappers for bundling and larger products,

· TFW flow wrappers,

And semi-automatic wrappers including

· Wrapster and Wrapster JR overwrapper,

· TTDF series of diefold wrappers for small applications including brownies and caramels,

· RB rotary bander for putting bands on products including chocolate bars

And rebuilt machines bearing the Package® logo including DF, UE, U-&, BW and CF machines.

For more information on Package Machinery, please visit our web site at , call  413.732.4000 x110, or email

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